Branding trends of 2019 you need to watch out for
Check out these branding trends business in Ireland.
- Colours and Duotones
- Typography
- Minimalism
- Futuristic elements
Brand trends are always evolving and serve to make your brand stand out through colours and typography, these are applied throughout business marketing campaigns, including images, which should reflect your branding across all your marketing platforms.
Let us explore a few things you you should be trending in, in 2019 to help your branding shine.
Colours and Duotones
Duotone is quite simply the use of two colours which are made in two shades of the same colour. Duotones are striking and visually pleasing and easy to create.
Duotone has been highlighted by usage by Spotify who use it in their music app. It’s usage has helped to establish their brand, making it more recognizable.
It has proved popular with artists and photographers and is something to be considered for your branding campaigns in 2019.
Duotones with strong colours can be used to create striking images, so don’t be afraid to experiment. Why not try two hues that do not normally match with a touch of contrast allowing the image to show through. To achieve the most effective compact try:
- Choose two colours relating to your brand
- Increase contrast
- Use high quality images
- Leave space for typography
- Use sympathetic borders
- Keep it simple
Be careful how you choose your colours as they must have a soft background for highlighting your text.
Background colours can be subtle to highlight a strong image and graphics. This is a good opportunity to highlight brand colours or as a way to include an interesting hue into your design without a full scale change.
Duotones are fun to work with and can make your images more dynamic and interesting, thus increasing engagement with your audience.
Using Typography for your Brand
2019 is just around the corner so its time to give your typography a check, and review your brand positioning, making it more engaging and interesting. Designers are looking at making typefaces a lot simpler and using them with bold colours and Hero headings, creating more prominent lettering that stands out.
Typography is trending smaller, as it is effecting how it looks on mobiles and tablets, as the screen can’t house such large lettering, so smaller lettering is resulting in more consistent visual experiences and keeps readability, whilst still looking appealing.
Typography to watch out for in 2019:
- Animated typography is the biggest advancement. Moving letters are proving popular with designers and are creating a large impact. It is important to know where and when to use it, for instance, it does not sit well with videos. However It does work as part of a user interaction, for example, Facebook and Instagram, which can please and surprise users.
- Designers are stacking multiple lines of text, especially in Hero headings ( smaller Size). This is visually pleasing and gives a bigger impact on your audience resulting in more engagement.
- Colour fonts are in a class of their own. Bright colours, such as Red or Yellow help draw the eye to your stand out message and brand identity.
‘A picture can paint a thousand words’. Minimalism can portray a brand and quite often there doesn’t have to be any typography. The most famous example of this would be Nike.
There is no waste or extras, however, colour pallets, shapes and typography are all essential. Simplicity is the key as our brain has fewer things to consider. This means that your logo is easier to remember and you associate the design with the product, for example, Codefish and VW.
Minimalist evolved in the 50’s and 60’s as a result of messy and overcrowded advertising and more white spaces began to appear in visual art and design.
The most prominent area where minimalism appears is in the design of logos. The logo itself is quite small so the design has to create the biggest impact to reflect your Brand.
The approach of ‘Less is More’ is so relevant when it comes to app and web design.To make your logo stand out in 2019, limit both colour and fonts and keep it simple excluding navigation bars and buttons.
Futuristic Elements
This year most major brands such as, Apple, Google and other major tech companies have enhanced bold and unique colours for their branding. It is predicted in 2019 that there will be even more brighter colours, bolder fonts, and futuristic shapes and patterns.
Companies are taking bigger risks using vivid blues and yellows and are using bolder fonts for 2019.
There are so many futuristic devices available now for designing which can create unique, stand out content, so we should be exploiting these techniques by using contemporary designs and vivid colours which can create a dynamic and appealing product. Good examples are Album Covers, Posters and Apps.
Now is a good opportunity to go for the Future and get ahead in 2019.
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Brand You Creative
Creator – Lee Kavanagh on Jan 18, 2019