
5 Reasons Business Branding Needs a Strong Mission Statement

5 Reasons business needs a strong Mission Statement

The definition of Branding – A Mission Statement Ireland is a sentence describing a company’s function, markets and competitive advantages; a short written statement of your business goals and philosophies. A mission statement defines what an organization is, why it exists, its reason for being.

When setting up a business there are so many things to think about and put into place, for instance, setting up a website, pricing, what products and services will be offered by a trusted marketing agency, marketing and not to mention your branding strategy. You may think that setting a Mission Statement is pretty low on the list and is it necessary at this early stage? Ignore it at your peril. They are more than a passing thought that sounds good, you need to really create one sooner rather than later. Why? here are 5 reasons why:

It Decides Company’s Direction

Employees are in need of guidance so a strong mission statement acts as a clear direction the organisation is heading to. After all would you set out on a destination without a map? This determines your destination not your intention. It also signifies to your customers which you stand for and what you are working towards making your brand stronger through your progression and development.

Connection with Your Customers

80% of people now use and engage on Social Networking. It creates personal connections between customers and businesses. A mission statement forms the same function when you share the reasons for initiating your business and what goals you are working towards. Your customers will connect with your ideas which makes you more appealing and human and therefore more likely to engage in business with you.

Improves Decision Making

Your mission statement is a goal setter. Imagine setting out on your day with just €50 and no more you are going to have to make some pretty major decisions. That pie and pint at lunchtime may have to go to buy fuel for your car to get around to see clients. Making informed decisions concentrates the mind in order to achieve your goals on a tight budget. This bears a parallel to your business decisions, having a mission statement gives you the framework for determining your opportunities with what resources you have thus shaping your business model.

Gives you Incentives to Move Forward

Some days your energy bank appears to be near empty and it’s like walking through mud. ‘ Why am I doing this, what for!?’ I was reminded once by a wise friend, if ever you have a problem, go back to basics and start again. Very true. That’s what a mission statement does, it reminds us why we started the business and gives us back the incentive to move forward and motivates us. Put your mission statement on paper, stick in on the wall, make it a screen saver, use it on your phone. Remind yourself every day why you go to work, it’s counter intuitive to stand still.

Makes Employees Stronger and Motivated

If your staff realize what the goals of the company are, they will help you to get to your desired destination. The mission statement serves as a compass point and gives everyone a clear direction of the organization. This also helps future employees when applying for a position in your company, as they will know where you intend to go as a business.

So why not create your own Strong Mission Statement and try it out on your business colleagues and friends. I will leave you with a mission statement from Starbucks.

To inspire and nurture the human spirit ; one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time’


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